Home Buying as a gift

Are you buying our lingerie as a gift? We will be happy to help

Below you will find a handful of useful information on choosing the right size, gift wrapping, and options for exchange or return.

How to choose the right size

We know that finding the right size, especially in case of lingerie, can be very challenging! Luckily, there are several ways to do it quite easily. We hope that our short list below will be helpful, and soon some lucky recipients will enjoy their MISS LIBERTÉ gifts, while you become the master of gift-giving. Here we go:

Check wardrobe contents

If possible, take a look inside the lingerie drawer and check what size appears on underwear labels. Compare it with our size chart and choose the closest Miss Liberté size equivalent. If you do not have the option of rummaging around in the wardrobe or all tags have been cut off – go to step 2.

Call to the best friend

A reliable method, friends often know such things about each other or are able to easily find out. If you are concerned about the friend spoiling your surprise (or you are that friend yourself!), go to step 3.


The obvious and yet rarely used solution . Simply ask her about the size on a random occasion and be sure to write down the answer. After some time, the question will be forgotten, and you will have all the data at hand. Here’s an additional bonus: remembering someone’s size is often more appreciated than remembering that person’s coffee choice.

Choose a Gift Card

The easiest solution: choose to buy one of our’s gift cards. After a few clicks, made while sitting comfortably in your armchair, you will receive the card in electronic form, ready to be printed or forwarded. From that moment on, everything is in the lucky recipient’s hands. You can order your Gift Card here.

Contact Us

If the above ways fail, just write to us – we will try to help: [email protected]

Gift wrapping

If you want your order to be wrapped as a gift, add this information in the “Additional Comments” field. Then, we will add a decorative bag for storing the underwear, a gift bag and a card that will allow you to write down your wishes.

Exchanges and returns

We want everyone to feel comfortable in our underwear, so if anything goes wrong, it is always possible to exchange for a different size or product. It is also always possible to return an unused item within 14 days of purchase. Exchange and return policies are available here.